Monday 12 September 2011

signs ur'Ë in LOVE

1) You catch yourself smiling.

A little love in your system can surprise you so much, you can’t help but smile. It’s half because you feel so good, and half because you’re laughing at yourself.

2) You can’t look at the person.
Suddenly, it’s impossible to hold a decent conversation with the object of your affection, because you’re afraid if you look them in the eye, they’ll be able to tell you’re melting for them inside. A good trick: talk to their forehead.

3) You think about them when you’re getting dressed in the morning.
Don’t pretend you’ve never done it. You start analyzing whether he or she would like the blue shirt better, and putting a little more effort into your hair. No harm done!

 4) You realize you miss them when they’re not around.
If you’re used to seeing the object of your affection at work or class and then one day they’re not there, you’ll feel like your whole day was wasted.

5) You get jealous about odd things.

6) you can’t concentrate on work.
Maybe even as you read this article, you’ll glance and realize that half an hour has gone by. That’s because you’re daydreaming. And you are in looo-oooove.

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